Our Work
RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association, established in 1974, is dedicated to ensuring that all people challenged in their family building journey reach resolution through being empowered by knowledge, supported by community, united by advocacy, and inspired to act.
Go Live Date: February 17, 2022
Category: Nonprofit
Package: Essentials
Services Delivered:
- Content Audit
- Audience Analysis
- Content Strategy
- Site Map Recommendations
- Wireframe
- Custom Visual Design and Development
- Searchable and Filterable Databases
- Content Optimization
- Advanced Modules (3)
- 1:1 Training
Goals and Challenges:
- Outdated design that felt too heavy and cluttered
- Difficult to navigate with many pages buried
- Not enough visibility for cause and advocacy efforts
- Increase site traffic and number of returning users
- Increase email acquisition and online donations
Our Solution:
- New clean, fresh design
- Content recommendations and new site map
- Mega menus for easy organization and access to all pages in one click
- Section dedicated to cause and advocacy
- Filterable database of physicians and support groups