Website Design for

Arts & Cultural Organizations

Website design for nonprofit organizations that enrich their communities and advance their art form. These organizations include museums, gardens, performing arts organizations, and cultural foundations.

Website Design for

Arts & Cultural Organizations

Website design for nonprofit organizations that enrich their communities and advance their art form. These organizations include museums, gardens, performing arts organizations, and cultural foundations.

Arts & Cultural Websites Built With Purpose

Websites for the arts such as theaters, museums, and parks, have to be able to find a balance between encouraging people to visit and buy tickets or membership, while also engaging their donors and telling about their broader mission. Our non-profit web design experts can help analyze your needs and find the perfect way to engage all your audiences.

Questions We Ask When Designing an Arts & Cultural Website

  • Who is your most important audience? Visitors, members, patrons, donors, etc.
  • What are your primary calls to action?
  • Do you have a membership program and what benefits does it offer?
  • What are the primary reasons donors should support you?
  • How many events do you have per year and do some need to be promoted more than others?
  • What's the most important thing you want users to know when they visit your site?
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4 Things to Include in Arts & Cultural Organization Websites:

Visitor Information

If your organization welcomes visitors, the most important thing for visitors to find is info about hours, location, guidelines, etc.


Especially in a post-COVID world, users expect to be able to buy tickets in advance online. Have clear calls to action for tickets.


If you have a membership program, make sure you have an engaging membership page that highlights all the benefits of membership.

Reasons to Donate

People won't just click on a donate button for no reason, explain how donations from individuals support your mission.

Arts & Cultrual Organization Website Examples

Designed and built by Blackbaud's non-profits experts.

National Building Museum

The Zekelman Holocaust Center


Mascot Hall of Fame

Pearl S. Buck International


Interested in partnering with Blackbaud to create an arts/cultural organization website?